
Women Constantly Have Their Pain Undermined By Professionals Who Should Know Better. This is Why I Decided to Write A Short Film About It. By Samantha Gray, Writer of Essentially Painless

Women Constantly Have Their Pain Undermined By Professionals Who Should Know Better. This is Why I Decided to Write A Short Film About It. By Samantha Gray, Writer of Essentially Painless

Despite extraordinary advances in medicine, women’s sexual health still seems to be scattered with tales of overlooked pain. In so many instances, the extent of pain is lessened or left out and when flagged, a woman is not taken seriously or not believed or not even listened to. 

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The History of Female Sex Toys by Yoxly

The History of Female Sex Toys by Yoxly

Women have always desired sexual pleasure, even though, for centuries, this side has been repressed by men. Despite not fully understanding female orgasms and sexuality until fairly recently, there is evidence that women have been using sex toys for nearly 30,000 years. Now, we admit that some types of sex toys used by our horny ancestors are slightly questionable - they are certainly not the slick, sexy toys made from the finest materials we are familiar with these days. But the evolution of the female sex toy industry is fascinating! It is astounding how long female masturbation has been concealed....

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My Endometriosis Journey By Rebekah Lloyd, Founder of This Independent Life

My Endometriosis Journey By Rebekah Lloyd, Founder of This Independent Life

Despite affecting 1 in 10 women, the NHS website states, “the cause of endometriosis is not known”. And it’s hard to even define it as there is still, in 2022, no understanding of what it really is and how it works.

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Why Rethinking Dominance and Submission is Important by Sassytribe

Why Rethinking Dominance and Submission is Important by Sassytribe

Dominance and Submission. Those are some loaded words, and many associate them with something rather negative, which can hold us back to step into our power and confidence.

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Female Anorgasmia: Why Can’t I Have An Orgasm? By Racheal Ede

Female Anorgasmia: Why Can’t I Have An Orgasm? By Racheal Ede

The pleasurable experience of orgasm is both intense and mysterious all at once. But yet, with the female orgasm come many complexities and misconceptions surrounding it.


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